Becoming a Trainer

The Trainers group periodically accepts new members via application. New Trainers undergo an ten-week training program outlined below and agree to the Trainer Agreement.

Trainers Training Program

This outline represents the time commitment required for being an Instructor Trainer with The Carpentries. Please read through and check to see that you are able to commit to the responsibilities outlined below.

Instructor Trainers agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in all communications and interactions with The Carpentries community.

  • Trainees who are not previously certified Instructors will be asked to concurrently pursue Instructor certification

  • Read How Learning Works: Eight Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching, 2nd Edition by Marie K. Norman and discuss in book club format with Trainers-in-training. Preliminary reading schedule.

    • Time commitment: 1 hour per week for 10 weeks meetings; can miss one meeting; ~10 hours reading

  • Join Trainer meetings

    • Time commitment: 1 hour per month; review minutes for missed meetings

  • Shadow a teaching demonstration session (previously certified Instructors)

    • Time commitment: 1 hour one time

  • Shadow at least half a day of an online instructor training event (previously certified Instructors)

    • Time commitment: 4 hours one time

  • Agree to fulfill the duties outlined in the Trainer Agreement for a period of 1 year.

Total time commitment for previously certified Instructors to become certified Instructor Trainers: ~30 hours over 3 month period, including reading and prep time

Trainers Training Reading Schedule

For the most recent Trainer Training schedule and discussion questions, see the Trainer Training Curriculum